Thursday, July 16, 2015

Love One Another

As the world struggles to find peace and love amidst the thunder and lightening of threats of terror, human acts of  hatred, abuse, greed and  hurtful thoughts and actions... we find a promise of good, and love, symbolized by nature.   

When we finally realize that we are not actually little human individuals fighting each other for existence, but are actually reflections of God's goodness, all differences, divisions, opinions, terror, hatred, antagonism and selfish interests will cease and we will find that we are One with God, the divine Consciousness. 

"Love one another", as prescribed by the humble pastor from Nazareth, Christ Jesus, will be our watchword and our way of life.

NOTE: Mary Baker Eddy is the discoverer and founder of Christian Science and author of the bible companion book, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures.. ...

Christian Science is based on the teachings of Christ Jesus, who said, “He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also...” (John 14:12). Mary Baker Eddy said, “these mighty works are not supernatural, but supremely natural...” (Science and Health, p.xi:14). This can mean resolving difficult challenges with health, relationships, employment, and other personal and global issues through prayer. People who practice Christian Science are free to make their own choices about what to think and do in each situation, including health care. But Christian Science is so much more than a system of self-help or health care. Ultimately, it is a way to draw closer to our loving Father-Mother, God, as well as all of humanity. More about basic teachings of Christian Science


  1. A perfect way to start the day, thanks Pat.

  2. Wonderfully clear and inspiring! Thank you, Patrick!

  3. Short, sweet, and profound ... many thanks, Pat .... really needed to hear that, right now!


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