Tuesday, October 10, 2017


Today's animal photo reminded me of how easily we can be deceived by the material senses. This little dog seems convinced that there is a real treat hiding in that picture!!

Of course, the Bible is full of examples of how people throughout history have been fooled by the material senses. From Abraham to Moses and from Elijah to Jesus of Nazareth, the material senses have been proven to be "deceivers".

Seeing through the deception of the material senses, Moses led his people to safety through the Red Sea, Jesus of Nazareth made water into wine, gave back sight to the blind, and he and his disciples healed many other people who suffered the illusion of disease and death.

This hymn reassures us that even though the material senses still try to deceive and fool us, God is ever present and ready to deliver us from our worst fears.

In atmosphere of Love divine,
We live, and move, and breathe;
Though mortal eyes may see it not,
’Tis sense that would deceive.

The mortal sense we must destroy,
If we would bring to light
The wonders of eternal Mind,
Where sense is lost in sight.

For God, immortal Principle,
Is with us everywhere;
He holds us perfect in His love,
And we His image bear. **

Better give up believing the deceiving illusion, Doggie. Go for the Alpo!!!

** Christian Science Hymnal #145

1 comment:

  1. I love this post right when I need it. So easy to see it is an illusion for the doggie.....NOW to apply it to myself and anything that is not from God-Good....and delete it, dump it..tell it to scram! It is easier to see it for the pup as I am not emotionally involved with him...but really ..I can be obedient NOW and apply it NOW to every thought I have captruing it to the divine Nature of God, which is what I reflect and I am whole and complete and so is everyone else. Thank you, Pat for your creative vision...-Merri


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